Sunday, April 10, 2011

White Mouse!

You will not be sorry you took the time to read this post....

This cake was for a little 5-year-old boy named Grayson (aka Grayson the Grand!) When asked what he wanted his cake to be, he immediately replied "White Mouse" and that white cake "would be nice". White Mouse is Grayson's "real imaginary friend" that has adventures with him. (They go to San Diego on the train and go surfing for starters). White Mouse "sneaked" into the "Wet Fish Museum" in Chattanooga (TN Aquarium) in March and had his own adventure there! Grayson did not even know it! He got the story book about "The Adventures of White Mouse at the Wet Fish Museum" at his party.... Such a cute idea!

Here's the current scoop on the mouse friends....

Evil Gray Mouse- He worked for the U S Government until about two days ago. Now that he has quit there he is no longer Evil. He now works at a bank.

Black Mouse is now the evil one and he works where ever there is evil to be found.
White Mouse used to have "girlfriend mouses" but they kept getting killed. So he does not have any now. ( I guess no smart girl mouse will have him, not safe.)

So you see how his little mind works. This story was too funny not to include... Here is the FUNNIEST part!

I was told he tries to pick up women at Olive Garden and he says if all else fails he can always go dance at the Waffle House by WKU. (If someone will pay for the music). hahaha

Now for pics of the cake....

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